The Story

Behind todiefor apparel.

“A whisper from God changed my outlook on life.”

Matthew 10:27

“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.”

I didn’t know this verse existed until recently. I was on a retreat asking God to speak to me, and when I opened my bible my eyes hit this verse, Matthew 10:27. I immediately thought of a life changing moment in my life when God whispered to me.

When I was around the age of 16 I was in a terrible place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I felt alone, unloved, worthless, and ready to give up. In a dark, low moment, fully consumed by these negative thoughts, a whisper from God changed my outlook on life.

“What do you mean you are worthless? How dare you think that way? Did my son die in vain? He suffered miserably on the cross because you are WORTH it, He took nails in His hands and feet because you are WORTH it, He was whipped and humiliated, He wore a crown of thorns because he saw you as WORTH it. You don’t feel loved? He bore your burden on the cross because He loved you that much. What do you mean you are worthless and unlovable? You are literally to die for!”

That was the whisper I heard in the dark, and todiefor apparel is my way of finally proclaiming it from the rooftops. This brand has a mission, and it is to tell everyone in the daylight what God whispered to me when I was in complete darkness. This was not my idea, it was Gods, and todiefor apparel belongs to Him fully. I am nothing but a vessel to spread the message of His unbelievable, unexplainable, sacrificial love. Thank you for supporting the spread of that message.

“That was the whisper I heard in the dark, and todiefor apparel is my way of shouting it from the rooftops.”

Hi, I’m Delaney.

Welcome to todiefor apparel! My name is Delaney. I am 21 years old living in Upstate New York, and on a walk with Jesus. Besides running todiefor apparel, I work two jobs and have an associate degree in Biblical Studies from Rosedale Bible College. God continues to provide ways upon ways to serve Him and I am learning that this truly makes my heart so full. I cannot wait to see where God takes this brand, I trust Him fully!

Todiefor apparel means so much to me, but at the end of the day, it is not mine - and that’s so cool.

I would love to get to know you more, so let’s chat & walk this journey out together.